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Cotgrave Candleby

Lane School

Look back with pride and forward with confidence

Love of Learning

This is the place to visit to see our wonderful experiential learning! 

Partake Theatre - The Great Fire of London!

Bread Tasting. We tried different types of bread. We all enjoyed eating brioche but we didn't like all types of bread!

Religious Education: The children have been learning about the story of Exodus and were given the opportunity to re-enact it, using props.

The children have been making bread as part of our hook. They enjoyed mixing, pouring and kneading to make the dough.

We are scientists! The children have been working as scientists, learning how to measure the temperature and record the data effectively. We have also learnt how a rain gauge works and how we can record the data from rainfall too!

This week, our children met Samuel Pepys and asked him a range of questions to find out more about the Great Fire of London. We took it in turns in the hot seat to ask and answer these questions. The children created a bank of questions words to use in their writing work!

Year 1 have been busy doing their Physically Active Maths sessions. Our Year 1 teachers have been working alongside Nottingham Trent University to provide bespoke mathematics sessions that incorporate movement and actions to ensure that children embed their current mathematical knowledge securely into their Long Term Memory. The children have thoroughly enjoyed playing the new games and are working on their knowledge of addition and subtraction within 10.

How much water can it hold? Year 1 have been working hard as scientists this week. We have been classifying different materials into absorbent and non-absorbent categories. First, we got a container filled with water, then we tested the absorbency of a range of materials. We tested: fabric, glass, plastic, wood and paper. We were careful when we collected our data and found that fabric was the most absorbent! Finally, we drew a picture to show our experiment. Can you test some materials at home to find out the absorbency?

We are sure you all agree that the Year 1 children were absolutely fabulous with their Nativity performances! Not only did they sing their hearts out, but they performed their dances brilliantly! It can be very scary standing in front of so many people and dance. We are very proud of their achievement! Thank you for all of your support at home, learning songs, practising dances and providing costumes. We really appreciate your support!

Year 1 received a letter from Ricardo who lives in Rio de Janeiro. He wrote about living in Rio, visiting the colossal statue of Christ The Redeemer where he had to climb up 200 steps, visiting Copacabana beach and getting ready for the carnival. We did not know what a carnival was, so we did some research and discovered they are fun, very colourful and loud. People dress up in bright colours, wear special masks and dance through the streets to very loud music! The children decided to have a carnival around the school. We coloured masks, played very loud music and danced along the corridors and around the hall. We had great fun!

This week in DT, we learned how to sew the running stitch. We know the running stitch is a forward moving stich where the needle goes down through the cloth and then up again. Up, down, up, down. We really enjoyed sewing!

Year 1 went on a trip to Nottingham Castle! We had a fantastic day exploring the art gallery, lace collection and the interactive Robin Hood experience. We found out that Cotgrave used to be called Codgrove and spotted it on the tapestry in the Rebellion Gallery! We became artists and drew our favourite art piece, spotted St Paul's Catherdral in a beautiful lace display and even got the chance to test our archery and quarterstaff skills too! We ended our day exploring the adventure playground in the beautiful grounds of the castle.

Cotgrave Country Park rangers requested Year 1 to investigate the animals which live on the park. They provided the children with samples of different types of poo. The children needed to analyse each sample of poo and decide if it was a carnivore, herbivore or omnivore by what they found in the poo sample. We discovered that a herbivore eats leaves, grass, berries and seeds. A carnivore eats meat and an omnivore eats both meat and plants.

Year 1 had great fun dressing in our own clothes and book characters to celebrate World Book Day. We had a special assembly with author Ian Eagleton who read us his amazing story Nen and the lonely fisherman. He even taught us how to sign the names of some sea creatures. Why don't you ask us to show you the signs that we learnt?

Religious Education: Year 1 have been lucky to have been invited to Cotgrave Methodist Church to take part in their Easter Journey. We had great fun hearing a retelling of the Easter story through ‘real life’ characters. The children listened beautifully and enjoyed hearing from the different significant people. They got the opportunity to ask questions and even got to craft their own Easter Story afterwards. We had such a great time!

Year 1 have been learning all about Acrostic poetry. We have been visualising our own Monsters and creating our own word bank of adjectives that we could use to describe them. We will them create our own poems to describe our Monsters which will be entered into a competition with Young Writers! Every entrant will receive a bookmark and sticker, anyone chosen for publication gets a certificate of merit and their favourite 5 poems will win a creative goody bag! Check out for more details! Good Luck!

Our Enquiry question for this term is 'How can I express myself', with the driver subject being art and design. Year 1 have been learning about what the primary and secondary colours are and how they can be used in art. This week, we have looked at warm and cool colours, how they are used in art and had a go at trying to match some of the colours that Vincent van Gogh used in 'Sunflowers' and 'Starry Night'.

Today, we have been introduced to sketching pencils. We have used them to create a sunflower in the style of Vincent van Gogh. First, we practised making different shapes and lines, then we used these shapes to create our sunflowers. We think they are amazing!

This term we are learning different ways to keep healthy. Today, we were visited by a local dentist. She demonstrated how to keep our teeth and mouth healthy and told us to brush our teeth for 2 minutes each morning and every night before bed. She told us not to eat or drink too many sugary snacks or drinks and the best thing to drink is water. She then gave us a quiz and we answered her questions - Can you get all the questions correct? Thank you to the wonderful dentist!
