We aim to inspire and motivate children through a high-quality text approach. These texts are chosen carefully to enable all children to access a variety of genres and enhance their enquiry learning. By providing our children with the literary toolkit they need to succeed, we strive for them to become fluent and imaginative writers who can write effectively both in a range of contexts and for a range of purposes. We want to produce confident writers who are not afraid to take risks and are able to transfer taught skills in a variety of contexts (including writing across the curriculum). The children will be motivated by a clear purpose for their writing and how to write with authorial intent.
Each year group will write about a full range of genres including poetry. Our writing sequences begins with 'immersion'. During this part of the sequence we immerse the children into the new context of what they are writing, with a focus on vocabulary. Where possible, this links directly to our enquiry driver and gives opportunities to develop speaking opportunities or drama. Next, we then help pupils to focus on the audience and purpose by analysing the author's choices and overall intent. We dedicate a lesson to learning new vocabulary around the chosen context and how to spell these words. Further grammar, punctuation and spelling lessons are then taught in line with the features needed for that particular genre. Children can then develop their creativity by planning out their own piece of writing that enables them to apply the learning they have been taught. This may be done individually or even collaboratively so they think carefully about the writing choices being made. After that, our children then draft out their text in full sentences and paragraphs ready to be edited. Once improved, pupils then write their 'elevate' (or published piece) which demonstrate pride.