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Cotgrave Candleby

Lane School

Look back with pride and forward with confidence


This term, in year 4, we will be covering the following Power Maths units:

  • Unit 1: Place value – 4 digit numbers 1
  • Unit 2: Place value – 4 digit numbers 2
  • Unit 3 : Addition and subtraction
  • Unit 4: Measure - area
  • Unit 5: Multiplication and division 1


A big focus for us in year 4 is consolidating our times table knowledge. To support your child with their learning in this area we recommend accessing TTRS (your child will have an individual log in for this). We also recommend accessing a free online version of the multiplication tables check at (see link below). This will provide children with an opportunity to access a similar check to the one they will sit in June.


Times Tables Rock Stars (


Multiplication Tables Check - 2022 -


For more information about the multiplication tables check, see the parent information letter.


If you would like any support with helping your child with their maths learning at home please feel free to get in touch with your child’s teacher or Miss Rooney (Maths Lead).
