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School Logo

Cotgrave Candleby

Lane School

Look back with pride and forward with confidence


Autumn Term

Over this term, children will develop their writing skills by working on a range of genres including:
a narrative, a newspaper report, instructions and a balanced argument. Using capital letters, finger spaces and full stops will be a big focus for us this term, along with applying our phonic knowledge to our writing.



You can help by:

*Hearing your child read at home at least 4 times a week.*


Reading is an essential part of your child’s learning and progress, and it is important to talk to them about the book to check that they understand it.

Remember to add your comments to BoomReader so your teacher knows how your child got on!


For any further information on how to support your child at home please speak to your child's class teacher.

Our class text is Journey by Aaron Becker.


Throughout the year, children will be taught to read and write 'common exception words'. These are words that don't follow spelling rules and patterns and aren't easy to spell using phonic knowledge. There are often referred to as 'tricky words'.

These words will appear frequently in the books and stories children read, so it is really beneficial for children to begin to confidently recognise them. These words are also words that children will need to use in their writing, so being able to spell them with ease will be really helpful for children.

See below for a list of the year 1 common exception words.

