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School Logo

Cotgrave Candleby

Lane School

Look back with pride and forward with confidence

Protecting Children

Helping you understand the sexual development of children under the age of 5

Helping you understand the sexual development of children 5 - 11

Child Sexual Exploitation - The Parent's View

Rights Respecting School

We ensure Children and staff know their rights, we place rights at the heart of our planning, policies, ethos and that includes using Rights Respecting language and ensure children do the right thing for the right reason. Each class creates their own Class Charter linked to Children’s Rights and our 8 values. focusing on how we will create a positive learning environment.  Children in Year 6 take on a leadership role when they are elected to be on the Standards Team and this ensures that pupils voice impacts on the whole school development.  Our Rainbow Rabbits help us to explore the rights, assemblies, activities, art projects and lessons help us learn about global issues, and help make a real difference. All of this ensures our children ‘Look back with Pride and forward with confidence!’  We ensure all children have a voice because we have weekly CREW meetings, where children from Year 1 to Year 6 celebrate achievements, discuss the Big Question, raise any issues and solve the problems as a group or as a whole school with Mrs McCartney at the weekly Crew Leaders meeting.


The Flying High Trust have pupil representatives from each school - known as children's parliament. These are two children from year 6 who meet to discuss any school based issues. They also help to co ordinate the Trust Awards (where votes can be made for children, staff & the wider community that have displayed the school values)  that take place towards the end of each school year.
