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Cotgrave Candleby

Lane School

Look back with pride and forward with confidence

Pupil Leadership Groups

Pupil Leadership Groups


"Ensuring that pupil voice impacts on whole school development."


 Our children are pivotal in role modelling our values and school expectations of 'Be kind, Be safe, Be ready to learn'.

There are a number of opportunities for pupils across the school to be part of one of our five Pupil Leadership Groups that support in ensuring this is consistent across the school.


. These groups are:

  • Digital Leaders
  • Diversity Team
  • Kindness Team
  • Pride Team
  • Play Leaders


These teams play an active part in promoting our school values and feeding back pupil voice to staff.  They also work to educate children across school to be kind, responsible members of the community, stay safe on line and celebrate differences and diversity.  Their roles underpins the work we do as a school to promote the DFE Character Education Guidance and our personal development work.


Diversity Team

Every class has a diversity representative who meet weekly with the Diversity Team Leaders.  During this time, the Diversity Team learn and discuss one of the protected characteristics, what it means and why it is important.  The class diversity representatives then share this back in their class.


Digital Leaders

This group runs in the same way as the Diversity Team. However, during the weekly meeting with the leaders of the Digital Leader Team they discuss an online safety tip. Again, the class representative of the Diversity Team shares this with their class.


Pride Team

These children, again led by the Pride Team leaders, work together to ensure that our school site is clean, tidy and safe.  They work in teams litter picking and also visit classes weekly to check there are no safety issues, broken items or other information that needs to be shared with our site manager, Mr Ashford.  Mr Ashford meets the team weekly and also does half termly H&S and environment walks with the children.


Kindness Team

These children promote our school motto – Kindness is key.  Weekly, they are responsible for presenting our class Kindness is Key certificates and ensure that we always think about being kind to others.  This year, the School Kindness Team are striving to achieve the 'Social Impact Schools Award' via Super Kind (click the link for further information). In order to gain this award, every child across school needs to complete at least one social action. There will be opportunities for this throughout the school year and all children will be able to take part in some way.


Play Leaders

Our play leaders play an important role in support pupils across the school at breaktimes and lunchtimes. They are responsible for overseeing different activities and again making sure that breaktimes reflect our school expectations of 'Be Kind, Be Safe, Be Ready to Learn'.


Introducing our School Council

Our School Council is made up from two Year 6 pupils from each leadership group. They  are responsible for leading their team across the whole school.

  • 2 x Digital Leaders
  • 2 x Diversity Team Leaders
  • 2 x Kindness Team Leaders
  • 2 x Pride Team Leaders
  • 2 x Play Leaders


Children wrote and videoed a speech outlining why they should be a member of the School Council.  The school community voted to elect the members of the council demonstrating the British Value of democracy. 

Sustainabiltiy Pledge 2023 - 2024

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